Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Crain #821 Carbide Tipped Jamb Saw Blade
This is the Crain 821 Carbide Tipped Jamb Saw Blade which is the best selling replacement blade for our best selling Crain 820 Heavy Duty Undercut Saw. Be Sure to visit installertools.com for all of your replacement blades and Jamb Saws.
For more information on the Crain 821 Carbide Tipped Jamb Saw Blade, CLICK HERE.

For more information on the Crain 821 Carbide Tipped Jamb Saw Blade, CLICK HERE.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Crain Magnetic Driving Bar
Crain tools makes it easy to lay down your tack strips for carpet installation in hard to reach places by offering the Magnetic Driving Bar. The tip of the Driving Bar is magnetic so that you can move your nail into hard to reach areas and still be able to drive your nail into the tack strips. The forged alloy steel body ensures that this peice of equipment won't bend or crack when you are working in akward areas. The rubber handle is design so that you hands don't feel the shock that ripples through the forged steel during hammering.
To find out more about Crain's Magnetic Driving Bar, CLICK HERE.

To find out more about Crain's Magnetic Driving Bar, CLICK HERE.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Platinum Knee Pads are now In Stock!
After waiting months for the backorder of these Knee Pads to be filled, they are now back and better than ever.
The Platinum Knee pads were designed with the installer in mind, because they are made for comfort. The custom mold is formed to fit the left and right knees seperately for added comfort. Your shin is supported with a lower wedge that takes pressure off both your knees and toes allowing extended working time with minimal discomfort. The straps on the knee pads are extra wide so that they won't bind behind your legs and knees while working. The Platinum Knee Pads are made of a dense foam for added comfort and durability.
For more information on the Platinum Knee Pads, CLICK HERE.